Ginza Koyama daily journal 2023.02.27 Improve constitution

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2023.02.27 Improve constitution

For the endoscopy tomorrow, I changed my eating habits all at once this week.
At my check-up last year, it took me a long time to empty my stomach, which bothered my doctor. Don’t be disliked this year.
I decided to go with an empty, clean, white stomach, ready to go.
I don’t eat steak and ham every day at home.
I don’t drink root vegetable soup either.
I don’t drink yogurt or milk.
No coffee, no tea, no caffeine.
Drink only soy milk and Yakult.
Drinking herbal teas like I`m bathing in it.
Drink carbonated water. This alone makes me hungry.
Cook the rice, add sea chicken and raw egg, and enjoy the bowl of rice.
and take laxatives.
That’s all there is to it, but I really do sleep well.
Then, I, who is sensitive to heat, can’t help but be cold.
The heating is fully open.
I can’t get out of my futon.
My body changed, and my life changed.
Thanks to that, my blood sugar level was on the verge of dropping, but I think it was clear that my vitality had dropped.
I wonder if I’ve been able to do my best with high blood sugar until now.
The management has been working hard with high blood pressure, tachycardia, high fever, and high blood sugar.
When you change your daily meal, that is, gasoline to light oil, it’s like powering down.
Still, if the engine burns out, it will be useless.
I want to continue a smooth voyage at standard speed for a long time.
High impose power. Full engine. Full forward.
hold off for a while.
Crew, engine quarters, keep cruising speed.
All employees with over 25 years of continuous service should receive a medical checkup similar to mine.
Before the renewal of Koyama G’s organization, I will renew and maintain myself and my body.
My heart and soul are on fire.

Pulse oximeter 97/97/98
Body temperature 36.4 Blood sugar 98

Returning to my home port. Preparing to berth at slow speed.
Patient representative
CEO Yasunari Koyama