Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.11.04 Welcome in doctor

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.11.04 Welcome in doctor

Doctoral researchers at national universities are called postdocs.

I can’t live on a monthly salary of 70,000 yen.

He works part-time as a translator, so he can’t devote himself to serious research.

I think he is a poor and embarrassing situation only in Japan.

Medical school used to be the same.

During my time as an intern, I worked 24/7 at a private hospital on weekends and worked part-time on duty to make ends meet.

In the past, medical students married rich girls because otherwise they could not live.

Doctors became rich after the introduction of the universal health insurance system in the mid-1950s.

Going back to the topic, the employment conditions of companies for master’s and doctoral students are the same as those for university graduates.

Rather, it is avoided to be adopted if it is not suitable for execution.

Certainly, I know that many students who go to graduate school are afraid to go to the real world and avoid going to graduate school as an escape.

I also graduated from graduate school, but I set my sights on being in my 40s.

After becoming a manager, he suffered mentally, and became a student to learn medical ethics philosophy rather than business administration.

I would like to say to those who aim for a master’s degree at graduate school.

If you can’t afford it financially, work in the real world first.

。At a company in the desired field of study.

And I want you to aim for a master’s degree again with a clear goal and conviction.

The Koyama Group is open to anyone regardless of educational background, gender, age, height, weight, or nationality.

There are many female executives, and rather, men are minor.

I myself wish I had been born a woman if I wanted to do this job.

Nursing school graduates and high school graduates grow faster in the field and quickly become executives.

However, recently, information engineering, finance, medicine, and high-spec executives are also required for nursing care.

Dear postdocs,

Welcome to Koyama G.

Suitable annual salary and research are also possible.

Koyama G also has a training fund system.

Some research foundations have research funding.

Research that is useful in the world of medical care is also possible.

If you want to create a venture company, invest in it.

And everyone at the important Koyama G.

You can attend a correspondence graduate school at any time.

Koyama G will also provide the scholarship fund.

Medical welfare needs to have experience working in the real world and learn.

To be honest, university professors who don’t know the actual situation are having a hard time and worrying about it.

Officials also lack field experience and knowledge.

Nursing-care childcare was also a story that the site was insignificant, but from now on, I think it will be different.

We will support those who choose the path of further study and research for the advancement of the industry.

At Koyama G, learn about the field of medical welfare, go to university, and change society.

Change administration and politics.

There is such a way.

A person who wants to leave Koyama and leave for society.

People who want to get a job after graduate school.

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome.

To Koyama G.

Today`s new PCR positive staff : 0

Thank you for your hard work. I am very grateful to you.

Pulse oximeter 99/99/98

Blood sugar 173 Body temperature 36.2 degrees


CEO Yasunari Koyama