Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.11.03 Bubble era party

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.11.03 Bubble era party

For the first time in a long time, we held a buffet party at the hotel’s banquet hall as a consolation party for the staff.

In order to blow away the gloomy feeling that has been sealed by Corona, I made it flashy and gorgeous.

It’s a meal.

I can’t serve alcohol.

To put it simply, sushi, tempura, and beef steak are the main items on the menu.

Increase the variety of desserts and fruits.

In other words, reduce yakisoba, fried rice, and curry.

In the past, young people’s parties increased their carbohydrate menus to fill their stomachs cheaply because of budget concerns.

At politicians’ buffet parties, I don’t go where people line up and start with coffee and dessert.

Start from the opposite of the flow of people.

Anyway, I hate queuing.

Yesterday, I served plenty of different foods and sushi.

I wanted you to be prepared to add more and eat the best sushi to your heart’s content.

At the large banquet hall of the city hotel.

These days, that kind of experience is gone.

When I was young in the bubble era, I used to throw parties like that every day.

What was it like back then?

This long period of quiet, unstimulating recession is suitable for old people, but it may be lonely for young people.

Is the world of the net and virtual reality the same as the world of reading?

Also, recently, movie tickets have been handed out to young people.

I think young people need more and more opportunities to get to know people.

Getting to know someone online is dangerous.

Koyama staff events are safe and warm.

Seniors like me who attend are also fun.

What should I do to safely hold a rich party in the corona misfortune?

Of course, I participated after doing an antigen test.

Today`s new PCR test: 0

Thank you for your hard work. Thank you.

Pulse oximeter 96/95/97

Blood sugar 141 Body temperature 36.5 degrees Yesterday’s temperature was a mistake. Everyone got angry.

Wall flowers and wall stains

CEO Yasunari Koyama