Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.10.19 Calm ones

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.10.19 Calm ones

It’s painful and embarrassing to hear your own voice.

My father’s voice was low, but had a gentle and kind tone.

I have no recollection of him every yelling.

My mother laughed, saying that he has the best voice during dates.

I tried not to ask her about impressions of the meeting.

When I was younger, my voice was lower.

It may have been conscious to hear a thunderous voice.

I think he was unconsciously trying to hide his youth with his attitude, by the way he wore his suit, and the way he spoke.

It was said that the greetings at the completion ceremony in Sendai were much calmer and slower than in Tokyo.

I thought about it when I was told by my aide, who is always around me.

Recently, in Tokyo, there are many matters that fly in battle.

I often get angry at meetings.

Putting in air, blood pressure doesn’t go up, but blood sugar goes up.

Speaking beomes difficult.

These days, it’s like that every day.

Embarrassingly, I checked the video of the completion ceremony on YouTube and saw it.

Aside from the embarrassment of hearing my own voice, it is certainly soft-spoken and fluent.

I felt like my late Father was greeting me.

Following the completion ceremony, there was also a long service commendation ceremony, and I could see the faces of executives who had been working for 20 years.

What have I been doing for the past 20 years?

What was I like 20 years ago?

By that time, my father would have toured facilities across the country with my mother.

These people took care of my parents’ visit.

I want you to listen to that memory now.

The 20-year long-term employee is a legend of Koyama G.

I would like to invite these benefactors to Ginza and hold a 20th anniversary summit.

The history of Koyama G is also the history of medical welfare for the elderly and the history of long-term care insurance.

That’s just a formality, but I’d like to hear about my father’s memories.

As a 40th anniversary project next summer, I would like to leave a video of the story of memories.

From a movie fan, he may be the director for the first time in his life.

Today`s new PCR positive staff : 0

Thank you for your hard work. Thank you.

Pulse oximeter 97/97/99

Blood sugar 231 Body temperature 36.1 degrees

Zunda Mochi

CEO Yasunari Koyama