Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.08.29 Timeless Jazz

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.08.29 Timeless Jazz

Yesterday, there was a jazz concert at the hall of Ikiiki Plaza.

A concert from a famous university jazz club.

For me, a live concert for the first time since Corona.

It was the first time since I was young that I enjoyed a live jazz band in the front row.

The first performance is the timeless masterpiece, On the A Train.

When I was a student, I called myself a jazz fan, and on weekends in Shinjuku, I used to go to jazz clubs late at night.

Does the club still exist today?

At that time, at a bar in Shinjuku, the adult next to the counter treated me, and he took me there.

Yesterday’s venue was full of people my age and older.

Even in my generation, at that time, rock fans ridiculed me as Rotor.

Already in those days, in America, jazz received cultural support from the country.

It became an American classic.

Genuine fans who grew up immersed in jazz in their minds and bodies, who fell in love with it when they were teenagers, will become fans for the rest of their lives.

There is a wind club at the university, and they also play jazz.

But isn’t the number of listeners only decreasing?

Recently, I listen to a classic jazz performance on the internet.

It’s a good thing, but without a live performance, true fans won’t grow.

If you don’t know the ecstatic feeling of unity between players and fans, you won’t know the true charm of jazz.

The same could be said for all music and theater.

After the encore performances of Lupine de Four and Lupine the 3rd, he gave his closing greeetings.

I’ve just become a senior citizen, but listening to jazz makes me young.

Everyone is young.

But if we don’t nurture not only young performers but also young fans, jazz will disappear.

Be sure to bring your children or grandchildren to the next concert.

We will definitely do it next time.

Please join us next time.

I will definitely do it. Please stay tuned.

In my dream, I received a phone call from my father.

It was a litigation consultation.

It’s the first time since he passed away that my father appeared in a dream.

Besides, I don’t think it means that he wants you to come to my side anymore.

Probably because he listened to jazz.

Some nostalgia for the past called his father.

What I feel now, what I cherish, is nostalgia for the future.

I hope that the future to come will be a nostalgic, warm and comfortable world.

I hate the future of the Great Recession and War.

As I grow older, I am drawn to nostalgia for a happy future.

Today’s new PCR positive staff: 0

Thank you for your hard work. Thank you.

This morning’s pulse oximeter 96/97/98

Blood sugar was 124, but after drinking honey hot ginger, it became 212.

Body temperature 36.4 degrees

Yasunari Koyama