Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.08.23 Herbal tea

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.08.23 Herbal tea

Ever since I was a kid, I’ve been addicted to coffee and tea.

Will you drink alcohol or drink coffee to wake yourself up?

For meeting at daytime, black coffee.

At home, milk tea.

I have worked with caffeine.

However, my tastes have changed due to the stay-at-home life due to Corona.

When sleepless nights become painful, I wonder if it calls for health tea or herbal tea sold at dispensing pharmacies.

I drink a variety of teas every day, and this helps me sleep better.

It may be because my nerves have been exhausted lately, but anyhow, I slept soundly.

Even if I don’t sleep for a long time, I can’t get out of bed.

What kind of tea you might wonder?

organic rooibos tea

7 kinds of blended tea

Black soybean mulberry leaf blended tea

organic burdock tea

Enmei tea

Tartan buckwheat tea

Chinese tea as a gift

and sometimes black tea

I think the composition of water in my body has changed a lot.

It may also be good for blood sugar.

I don’t need sleeping pills.

Today`s new PCR positive staff: 6

Thank you for your hard work. I am very grateful to you.

This morning’s pulse oximeter 97/96/97

Blood sugar 159 Body temperature 36.1 degrees

No. 1 favorite is burdock tea

Representative Yasunari Koyama