Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.07.29 Convenience stores and department stores

Ginza Koyama daily journal 2022.07.29 Convenience stores and department stores

It has been said that welfare and long-term care services should be as small as possible and finely arranged in the areas so that convenience stores can prosper and develop.

Therefore, group homes, day services, home-visit services, home-based services, and long-term care insurance services have ideally been approved in large numbers.

Smaller facilities are higher in consideration of subsidies and long-term care unit prices.

However, even so, small facilities and services tend to be difficult to manage.

Nursing care is different from product sales and coffee shop business models.

Long-term care is a service that people provide to people.

Recruiting, managing, and educating people requires a lot of time and effort and business management skills.

The reason why all the facilities of Koyama G are increasing in size and complex is the human resources education business.

We need talented executives.

Same as general hospitals and department stores.

Even for newcomers, that is more reassuring.

It is also good that newcomers can interact with various departments and qualified personnel.

Qualified person work is easy to make an octopus trap in the department.

The more specialized education is promoted, the more personality education is required.

I think medical ethics has been established, but in long-term care, it is still inadequate, and I think research is yet to come.

At Koyama G, the new captains’ association to train new facility managers has been enhanced.

It is a military school of Koyama G.

Therefore, what I always speak out is the ethics of executive managers.

Unfortunately, compliance is poor in the long-term care industry.

On-site capabilities are not the only requirement for mid-career executives and facility managers.

As an ethical leader, qualifications and fair personnel management should be essential.

They are overconfident in their good self, who provide good welfare, and become arrogant and irreverent.

I don’t think Koyama is growing rapidly, but in order to survive the world after the burst of the long-term care and childcare bubble, an ethical captain is needed.

I don’t want people who are unaware to become medical and welfare executives.

I feel sorry for the aspiring young man.

As a life-threatening job, we must not forget the pride of taking on a heavy responsibility.

And he shouldn’t drown.

There are bad guys and claimers in every world.

In order to protect the on-site staff, it may be necessary to confront the power harassment claimers and the unwilling administration.

Good only exists as good, not as good.

Only after fighting evil can good be good enough.

I was old and trying to become a warless Zen, but the battle always comes from the other side.

The new mission of Lake Mountain will come down from the future.

Now, I am determined to be destined to avoid it.

Today’s new PCR positive staff: 14

Thank you for your hard work. I am very grateful to you.

This morning’s pulse oximeter 97/99/98

Pre-meal blood glucose 175 Body temperature 36.2 degrees

Yesterday pedometer 3421 steps Tohoho

King Arthur’s sword and Damocles’ sword R

Representative Yasunari Koyama