Ginza Koyama Daily Journal 2022.06.25 Koyamas mission is life

Ginza Koyama Daily Journal 2022.06.25 Koyamas mission is life

Watching the recent footage of the Eastern Europe war is heartbreaking.

Missiles has destroyed hospitals and schools.

The images of children and students are in my heart.

How lucky it is to live a normal and peacefully life.

I was sent pictures of happy children receiving melons at nursery centers and children’s facilities.

This year’s melon is especially sweet.

I want you to fully enjoy this sweetness.

When these children become adults will society be peaceful?

Even if not, anyway, I want them to be happy.

Yesterday there was a meeting for the design of a new nursery center.

The appearance like a dreamland.

A basic design that makes it easy for nursery teachers to work and move.

Consideration was given to field of view and conductors.

That is the same as a long-term care facility.

Bright, fun, safe and secure place for both kindergarten and nursery teachers.

The facilities of Koyama have the same design concept for both nursing homes and children’s facilities.

There are music halls, dance halls, movie theaters, ponds, campgrounds, field athletics, and strawberry farms.

Everything that is connected to life.

A dream-like nursery school that will be the starting point for them to enter society.

Nurturing a child’s dream that is also an old man’s dream.

The future of nursing care.

A dream for them to grow old in the future.

I’m still having fun in old age.

Today’s new PCR positive staff: 0

Thank you for your hard work. Thank you.

This morning’s pulse oximeter 97/97/98

Pre-meal blood glucose 190 body temperature 36.2 degrees

Ginza is the nursery school for Yasunari, Representative Yasunari Koyama