2022.06.14 Ginza Koyama group Daily journal Melon Season

2022.06.14 Ginza Koyama group Daily journal Melon Season

I live in an artificial environment, far from natural nature.
You can sense the four seasons in food items serve at restaurants.
I don’t even know the names of flowers and trees.
For example, if the cherry blossoms and plums flowers and not in bloom they are indistinguishable for me.
I have only knowledge and experience in print and video.
Beauties of nature is a far cry from humans.
Therefore, I have a longing for and nostalgia for the various landscapes of Japan.
Everywhere is the home of my heart.
I think delicious food comes from good seasonal ingredients.
When I was able to travel to facilities all over the country, I was happy to enjoy the local cuisine with the staff.
Of course, local alcohol too.
Up until that point, I was all about Western liquors such as brandy, whiskey, and cocktails.
All year round, both in the summer and winter, on the rock/diluted with water it became my fuel.
Thanks, to the work at Koyama, my taste for drinks and side dishes changed.
In recent year, I stopped drinking alcohol and become a ginger ale critic.
I was surprised to find that the non-alcoholic beer that I previously hated the taste of was quite good when I had it at a restaurant.
It’s not bitter. And it slides down you’re through smoothly.
When going to a new hotel restaurant, I get drunk of the atmosphere, conversation, with the food.
At hotels there are no seasonal breads.
When I tasted the local produced, freshly cooked with natural water rice from the different Koyama facilities, I left impressed with the fluffy rice.
The facilities of Koyama group in the northeast region of Kanto used brand rice.
Elderly is sensitive to the taste of rice. I was also told that half of the taste of rice comes from the local water. It’s the same as the sake brewery.
Yesterday, at the headquarters offices melon was served.
The annual melon from Tottori (city in Japan).

I was treated by nursery schools and maternal and child facilities of Koyama group all over the country, even the staff at the headquarters was able to get a taste. The melon was cut and places in a paper cup, thinking about my blood sugar level I only took a small amount.
June is the month of melons. I remembered the scenery of the melon fields in Tottori.
The father of an employee in Tottori has been cultivating a melon house.
I remember the faces of the happy children and workers.
I hope the children will remember the old melon man from Ginza.
It is my wish.
The accounting board season is over.
Half of this year is already over.
Today I have a concept meeting for a new nursery facility.
From nursery centers to elderly housing.
Koyama group operation connects three generations. Therefore, I think Koyama is an organization that protects and enriches life. A building that protects a way of life.
Staff who make living fun. A city where people live.
This is the hospital facility of Koyama.
I will live there and grow old. I am looking forward to a happy life.

Today’s PCR positive staff :1
Thank you for your hard work. Thank you.
This morning’s pulse oximeter 99/99/98
Pre-meal blood glucose 157 Body temperature 36.0 degrees

Melon Ambassador Representative Koyama Yasunari